Monday, July 14, 2014

Noonday Collection

I am SO thrilled to say that I am now an Ambassador for Noonday Collection! 
If you have never heard about this amazing company then you need to... Pronto! The more I learn the more I fall in love. 
I unfortunately am not eloquent enough to explain everything how I would like to (I tried). So I am borrowing this from the website...
"When Founder Jessica Honegger and her husband Joe decided to adopt a child from Rwanda, a friend living in Uganda told her, "We have so much beautiful, handmade jewelry sitting in boxes. Why don't you take it, sell it, and use the money to fund your adoption?" The paper bead pieces drew an overwhelming response, and Jessica soon connected with Jalia and Daniel, a Ugandan couple with a heart for ministering to the vulnerable in their community. They started recruiting their neighbors to create unique paper bead designs, and the group has grown to provide dignified employment for over 300 artisans."

That is how it all started. I now can share so many stories about so many artisans from 8 differrent countries. The people are beautiful... The jewelry, scarves, belts, and bags... oh the bags... Are beautiful. 
I have my launch party this week on Thursday and another party scheduled at the beginning of August! SO EXCITED! I am praying to find more people that catch this excitement and share the love! 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

ADD Filled Stress-Induced Ranting...

I have decided it's time for me to figure out how to be a grown up. Just a little bit. Not too much.
I now have 3 children.
My house is officially the messiest it has ever been and I'm not a neat freak, I'm ok with a little mess. However, it's now out of control.
I found myself at Wal-Mart yesterday wearing dirty running shoes, scrub pants, my dad's oversized t-shirt with spit up down the front, hair falling all over the place, a crying baby and 2 boys climbing on anything that was taller than 6 inches. (But let's face it, I was at Wal-Mart so I wasn't too far from blending right in)
I absolutely love my job but am too exhausted to be productive when I'm there.
I am trying to get back in shape after having #3 by sitting on the couch beside the pile of toys eating popcorn. (It's not working) I actually put on workout clothes today after work, we will see if I make it out the door.
and did I mention I turn 30 next month... I would like to have it a little more together than I do now by 30. I know no one has it all together and I may never have it all together and that is totally fine, just need it to be a little more than it is now.

I like things neat, including my house and appearance. Perfect is not necessary and a little chaos is ok, however, I can't figure out how to make the chaos simmer down. I'd even be ok with organized chaos. I have a lot of organizational tips and tricks that help me get my mind straight and prioritize what needs to be done and keep the adult ADD in check but they're not exactly being utilized right now. There's not a clean spot on the bar to put the list :) 

I have been following a few blogs that I can't go a day without reading, they are precious and inspirational for me. I want to be able to write here daily like those cool ladies do. However I do know that they generate income from their blogs, some of them it is their job, to maintain their blog, have sponsors, and hundreds/thousands of readers.
I love this little blog it is an amazing outlet where I can be myself and it can be all mine. I can talk about my workouts, trying to learn how to cook, decorating my house, fun projects I've tried, the 3 most adorable kids and hottest husband ever. It's a super cool online journal that won't get lost in my messy house. My messy house that I'm ignoring right now because I don't even know where to start :) 
But I keep thinking about those other blogs, the big ones, that have people asking them advise or to post tutorials, wanting to know more about the author. I would love to have that... I am planning on giving this little blog an overhaul to look a little more professional for all 6 of my followers (I love all 6 of you! xo)
Maybe I'll start with a name that doesn't have the phrase 'up your nose' in it...

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Some Late Christmas Love

I just wanted to share just a little of the fun we had this Christmas...
I bought new stockings this year and they were a little boring, we needed a way to add a little personalization so I made these letters out of scrap fabric and felt.
I just attached them with straight pins for now, next year I will figure something out a little more permanent.
This was our Christmas morning breakfast...
And breakfast the next day, because it was way too cute not to do both ideas...
This is a tunnel you drive through on our light tour, there was no one behind us so we got the boys out.
 Christmas cartoons playing in an empty parking lot at the end of the light tour... I love San Angelo!
My favorite boys!
 Stuffing something in his sisters stocking :)

 Protecting us on our way to PaPa and Grammys house.
 Pure Awesome!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

DIY PJ Pants

I have been wanting to make the boys some pajama pants for a while out of some tacky kid fabric that I would never pick out myself and let them pick out. However for a fun stocking stuffer I let them pick out some fabric and made pillowcases.
I had a ton of plaid flannel fabric left over from stockings that I made a couple years ago so I opted for that to make the pants with instead of buying more fabric.
I semi-used this tutorial that I found on Pinterest...

It is a very helpful tutorial but I was in a lazy mood and thought I could figure it out once I got started. I kind of did :) 
I was also too lazy to drive to the store to buy elastic so I made them drawstring.

My intention was for these to be their "Christmas PJ's" instead of paying money for actual Christmas PJ's that they can only wear for a couple weeks because then it's not Christmas any more. I like to think of myself as a reasonable shopper and cute PJ's are way too expensive for something that 95% of the time they are going to wear when they're home and in bed.
When I mentioned to the boys that these are their Christmas PJ's they wanted to know why there are no snowflakes, snowmen or Santa Claus on them...
So depending on how hard they push the issue I may have to go buy some Christmas-y iron on patches to Christmas them up!
While making these I realized I am getting ready to have a girl because it was all I could do not to put ruffles on them somewhere! :)

Monday, December 3, 2012

I am thrilled to say that I can finally work on my blog from the comfort of my IPad while sitting on my butt! I'm pretty pumped!
As you probably already know I am expecting a baby girl in April! We are so excited and I am consumed with planning the nursery, super cute outfits and wanting everything to be absolutely perfect.
With that said, my job that I love is a little extra stressful this year and would suck every ounce of energy out of me whether I was pregnant or not. BUT I have some fun projects that I want to share so I am going to do my bestest to keep this baby updated. If I don't, I need you to bug me about it!
I'm adding a couple of pictures from some of my inspirations...

Just FYI this is the first post from my IPad on this app so I have no idea how its going to publish!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Fabric Covered Letter

Ok here is the tutorial for the fabulous door hanger...
The H I found is from Hobby Lobby, they have different sizes and styles of letters.
The fantastic fabric was a fat quarter I picked up and stashed for something fun :)
I traced the letter onto the backside of the fabric.
Cut the letter out as close as you can to the line. 
I used some homemade mod podge, brushed the mod podge onto the letter and very carefully place the fabric onto the letter.
Tip 1: You have to rub the fabric for as long as it takes the glue to dry or else it will bubble up at the last second. 
Tip 2: On most mod podge projects, you put the glue down before you put the whatever on and then brush glue on top of whatever you glued down... don't do that with this project, the fabric will peel off the letter VERY easily and is a lot more likely to bubble.
I used a razor blade to cut off any excess fabric that was hanging over.
I used a scrap piece of burlap for the hanger, just hot glued it onto the back of the letter.
Tied the bow with black burlap and hot glued it onto the middle of the 'hanger burlap'

and Taa Daa! I love it!